For the first time in the history of Guyana (of the world), all young people have a chance at unimaginable economic success.  Technology has made it possible for youth around the world to become financially independent, with very little economic investment, save access to the internet, the ability to read, the ability to think critically and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.

For the first time ever, there is also a real possibility of once unimaginable national wealth.  Wealth if invested properly will bring new roads, schools, hospitals, homes, reliable water and electricity and millions, yes millions of resultant jobs and thousands of businesses to help foster that development.

To be a Guyanese youth in the year 2020, is to be poised, if prepared, for a life remarkably different from that of your parents and grandparents.  It is therefore important that young people embrace the positive principles handed down from elders like taking advantage of education, a commitment to excellence, a disciplined outlook and a willingness to work hard to achieve goals.  Conversely, Guyana’s young must immediately cast away the vestiges of evil like racism, domestic violence, and negative thinking, often taught in the home by unhappy, frustrated family members who fail to understand the destruction they sow by their words of hate.

To be properly prepared for the future, our young people must be committed to lifelong learning.  Regardless of their career choice, they must embrace technology education, and they must use technology to fill their knowledge gaps.  The young people who will differentiate themselves in the future will not only be educated in a traditional or nontraditional form, but more importantly, they will be able to think critically, to work collaboratively with all groups, they will embrace compromise and problem solving, they will be able to communicate effectively and convince others of their positions.  Most important however, is our nation’s youth must develop the ability to pick good teams and that means embracing a system of merit and building a network of people of all races, gender, religions and sexual orientations.

Those young people who will be successful in the future will embrace the positive values passed on by their elders and dispose of the negatives like hatred and bias.  Technology and communication have made the world a smaller place.  Young people with open minds will be able to connect globally with their peers to solve problems affecting communities around the world. Adding value in your community, in your country, in your region or around the world is where real power and success reside. Those who understand this, will be out front reaping the rewards.

By admin

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