by Karen Abrams, MBA
Women continue to weave threads of resilience, determination, and unmatched talent as they navigate the upward path to leadership in public and private organizations. Whether it is the journey that takes women down the path to entrepreneurship, the corporate boardroom or political office, women leaders stand as pillars of strength, overcoming unique challenges to reach the pinnacles of success. While their male counterparts may share similar qualities, the journey to leadership for women often entails navigating through a landscape marked by gender biases and systemic hurdles.

Women leaders, regardless of sector, often exhibit a remarkable blend of organization, goal orientation, and unwavering perseverance. Their ascent to leadership positions is seldom a smooth trajectory; rather, it is punctuated by moments of adversity and triumph. The resilience often displayed by women leaders is a testament to their ability to weather storms and emerge stronger, ready to tackle the next challenge.

In a world where the proverbial “boys club” still holds sway in many spheres, women often find themselves contending with barriers that their male counterparts may not encounter. Research suggests that men are more likely to benefit from informal networks and mentorship opportunities that facilitate their career progression (Catalyst, 2021). This disparity often places women in a position where they must prove their worth repeatedly, navigating a labyrinth of biases and stereotypes.

Unlike men, who quite often ascend the ranks based on perceived potential, women leaders are often promoted on the basis of concrete achievements. This emphasis on tangible accomplishments underscores the need for ambitious women to consistently demonstrate their competence and expertise, leaving little room for error.

Despite these challenges, women leaders bring a unique perspective to the table, informed by their lived experiences and the obstacles they have overcome. Studies have shown that women leaders tend to exhibit higher levels of empathy and emotional intelligence, attributes that are invaluable in fostering collaboration and driving organizational success (Zenger & Folkman, 2012).

Moreover, the scrutiny faced by women leaders often fosters a culture of accountability and excellence. Women, especially Black women often feel that every decision and action is scrutinized through a lens that is often more critical for women than for men. While this heightened scrutiny can be daunting, it also serves to cultivate leaders who are acutely aware of the impact of their choices and committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and performance.

As we celebrate the achievements of women in leadership, it is important to recognize the strides that have been made and the work that lies ahead. By dismantling systemic barriers and fostering an inclusive environment that values diversity and equity, we can empower future generations of women leaders to thrive and soar to new heights of success.


Catalyst. (2021). Women in Leadership: Quick Take. Retrieved from
Zenger, J., & Folkman, J. (2012). Are Women Better Leaders Than Men? Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from
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