The Guyana Police Force (GPF) is reporting an almost 35 per cent decrease in all categories of serious crime from January 1 to March 31, 2021 to the corresponding period last year, except for rape. The Police recorded 450 incidents of serious crime for the said period this year, while it recorded 692 incidents of the same category of crime in 2020.
Statistics have shown that rape has increased from 42 incidents in 2020 to 61 cases this year.

Graph showing total number of serious crimes from Jan 1 to March 31 2021 compared to the same period 2020.
Other categories of serious crime which decreased from January 1 to March 31, 2020 to the corresponding period this year.
• Murder decreased from 41 (2020) to 32 (2021)
• Robbery under arms from 240 (2020) to 142 (2021)
• Robbery with aggravation from 24 (2020) to 5 (2021)
• Break and enter and larceny from 221 (2020) to 160 (2021)
• Larceny from the person from 39 (2020) to 11 (2021)
• Robbery with violence from 31 (2020) to 17 (2021)
• Burglary from 45 (2020) to 16 (2021)
• Robbery from 9 (2020) to 6 (2021)
The GPF says 136 (30.22 per cent) of serious crimes were recorded in Region Four ‘A’ from January 1 to March 31, 2021, and 273 (39.45 per cent) of the same crimes were reported in 2020.
The least number of serious crimes occurred in Potaro-Siparuni (Region Eight) in 2021, while Barima-Waini (Region One) recorded the least number for the corresponding period in 2020.
The Police also recorded a total of 142 robbery under arms for the same period this year, which reflects a decrease of 41 per cent, compared with 240 incidents of the same type of crime in 2020.
Some 89 incidents of robbery under arms occurred in the streets in 2021; a decrease of 49 per cent from 2020.
A reduction of this type of crime in homes was also recorded. The GPF stated that 41 of these incidents happened from January 1 to March 31, 2020; while 30 occurred during the same period this year. Robbery under arms at business places decreased by one during the same period in 2021.

The statistics illustrate that most incidents of robbery under arms occurred on Mondays from January to March 2021; whereas, last year, the type of crime was committed mostly on Fridays.
Between January and March 2020, the weekend period accounted for 107 armed robberies. During the same period in 2021, 65 incidents of this crime was recorded, a 39.25 per cent reduction.
The GPF said some 177 incidents of this crime was committed on foot last year, compared to 70 documented incidents during the first three months of 2020.
The Police also recorded an increase use of motor cars as a mode of transportation during this crime, from 26 in 2020 to 30 in 2021. The use of motor cycles was reduced from 19 per cent in 2020 to 16 per cent in 2021; while bicycles were used less in 2021.
Meanwhile, 41 murders were recorded during January to March 2020, while 32 were recorded for the same period this year. A total of 157 persons were charged for serious crimes during the three-month period this year, whereas only 133 persons were charged for serious crimes in 2020.
It must be noted too, that there was an increase in cannabis and cocaine seized between January and March 2021 from the corresponding period in 2020. Cannabis seizure increased by 37 kilograms (388.30 grams); while Cocaine seizure increased by 99.6 grams.