On Friday, 12th March 2021, President Ali and First Lady, Arya Ali received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
President Ali said, “Fellow Guyanese I’m very pleased to inform you that I took the COVID-19 vaccine. And I want to take this opportunity to encourage every Guyanese to take the vaccine. While it is not mandatory, I want to urge you as far as possible, to consider taking the vaccine. And I’m sure that it will help us as we all work together in getting ahead of this pandemic. I also want to assure every Guyanese that we’re sparing no resources in having every single Guyanese vaccinated before the end of the year.”
Here’s what First lady Arya Ali had to say after taking the vaccine, “after a long and difficult year, the light is at the end of the tunnel. I received my first shot of the AstraZeneca vaccine recently. I am grateful to the scientists, researchers and healthcare workers who have made this moment possible. When it’s your turn to receive a vaccine, please do your duty and take it. The vaccine reduces transmission, deaths and hospitalizations. The vaccine saves lives and reduces the burdens on our healthcare systems. Do remember, however, that we are still in the pandemic. As such, we must continue to wear masks and maintain social distancing until we reach herd immunity. The end is near and we cannot let our guard down prematurely. Thank you.”

First Lady, Arya Ali receiving her first dose of the covid-19 vaccine