Kumu village, built and equipped a $3 million ICT hub, using its covid-19 funds. The hub has computers, electronic tablets, a printer, smart television, security cameras, and internet connections.
Hon. Bishop Juan Edghill, Minister of Public Works, attended the commissioning on Friday.

Kumu is located in region nine, about 30 miles from Lethem. Former senior councilor, Mr. Emric Francis, said that the hub was built by the residents, will be open to the public, since students are pursuing classes online.
It will be managed by the village council along with the community support officers, who will be trained in ICT by Mr. Brenrick Francis.

Minister Edghill, commended the residents for completing the building on time.

Also in attendance were, Chief Executive Officer of Go-Invest, Mr. Peter Ramsaroop, and regional chairman, Mr. Brian Allicock.
Kumu is one of the 57 communities in Region Nine to benefit from the covid-19 investment in January. The communities received between $3million – $15 million to work on sustainable community projects.